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ALERT Flying through SMF? - Plan ahead, extra time helps! Learn More


Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 1:48 PM - For Immediate Release

Masks are still required when visiting SMF

Sacramento, Ca - Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is aware of the new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) face covering guidance. Although the CDC has relaxed face covering wear in several settings, CDC prevention measures continue to apply to all travelers, including those who are vaccinated.

All travelers are required to wear a mask on all airplanes, buses, trains and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.

“Here at SMF we continue to take the health and safety of our customers and employees very seriously,” said Cindy Nichol, Sacramento County Department of Airports Director. “And we ask anyone visiting SMF to continue to wear a mask.”

SMF will continue to follow local, State and Federal guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 during air travel and the Airport will update guidance in accordance with local and State Public Health proclamations.

Additionally, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently extended the mask/face covering mandate through Sept. 13, 2021, which requires masks to be worn in airports, on commercial aircraft, and in various modes of surface transportation.

The Sacramento County Department of Airports is responsible for planning, developing, operating and maintaining the county’s four airports: Sacramento International Airport, Executive Airport, Mather Airport and Franklin Field. Sacramento International Airport offers more than 155 daily nonstop flights on 12 domestic and international carriers to 36 destinations. The regional economic impact of the Sacramento County Department of Airports is more than $4 billion annually. For more information, visit