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Bids & Requests

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The Sacramento County Department of Airports frequently needs partners to help us with various projects. Here you’ll find the most recent opportunities offered and be able to check the status of your bid.



Request for Proposals - Sacramento County Department of Airports CRDC Logistics Management Services

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from contractors to provide Centralized Receiving and Distribution Center Logistics Management Services.
The County of Sacramento (County) owns and/or operates four airports in Sacramento County, including Sacramento International Airport (SMF or Airport) through the Department of Airports (SCDA or Department). The Department is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from prospective service providers (Proposers) for Centralized Receiving and Distribution Center Logistics Management Services.
The County wishes to enter into an agreement with a single qualified contractor to provide Centralized Receiving and Distribution Center (CRDC) Logistics Management services at SMF. These services are sought to assist the County in complying with the airport security provisions set forth in 49 CFR § 1542 by enhancing control over vehicles and persons within the controlled areas of Airport, as well as create efficiencies with the delivery and distribution of concessionaire goods and supplies.
The Selected Proposer shall be required to operate and manage the receipt, staging, and handling of all concession goods and supplies delivered to the CRDC, and the distribution of the goods and supplies to all current and/or future concessionaire tenants in the terminals at Airport. Other services may be proposed, including but not limited to the disposal of used cooking oil, recycling of materials, and food waste.
Responses are due by 05/02/2025, 12:00 P.M. Pacific Standard time.
OpenGov Link:
County of Sacramento Procurement Portal

Request for proposals: Centralized Receiving and Distribution Center Logistics Management Services For Sacramento International Airport

Attachments 1-7

Request for Proposals - Sacramento County Department of Airports Pest Management Services

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from contractors to provide Pest Management Services.

The County of Sacramento (County) owns and/or operates four airports in Sacramento County, including Sacramento International Airport (SMF) through the Department of Airports (SCDA or Department).  The Department is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from prospective service providers (Proposers) for pest management services.

These services are sought to protect the health and safety of airport staff, passengers, visitors, tenants, and concessionaires. In addition, these services will prevent damage to airport property and assets, as well as ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations related to pest control and environmental safety.

The selected contractor shall be required to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program designed to maintain, prevent, and control a pest-free environment throughout airport facilities.

Responses are due by 02/14/2025, 12:00 P.M. Pacific Standard time.

OpenGov Link: County of Sacramento Procurement Portal

SMF Pre-Security F&B Concessions RFP

Proposers have the opportunity to submit proposals for a café and a bar and restaurant. Located on the third floor between the Automated People Mover, the escalators, and the bridge to the parking garage in pre-security Terminal B, these highly visible locations are primed for their next occupant(s).

The Department seeks an operator to expeditiously renovate, rebrand, and reopen both concessions spaces as a café and bar and restaurant to serve Airport customers and employees. The spaces share a connected back of house and will be offered as a single package for a term of 10 years.

The RFP will be administered through the OpenGov portal. All parties participating in the process must create an OpenGov account to submit a proposal.

Deadline for Questions: January 10, 2025 4:00pm PST
Proposals Due: February 21, 2025 4:00pm PST

Click here for more information


RFP - Sacramento County Department of Airports Federal Lobbying Services

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from contractors to provide Federal Lobbying Services.

The County of Sacramento (County) owns and/or operates four airports in Sacramento County, including Sacramento International Airport (SMF) through the Department of Airports (SCDA or Department).  The Department is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to seek proposals from qualified Federal Lobbyist firms (Proposers) to provide Lobbying Services on behalf of the Department.

The selected Proposer (Contractor) will act as a representative of the Department at the federal level, providing lobbying services with the highest level of professionalism and integrity.  This includes, but is not limited to, identifying key issues, developing strategies, drafting materials, and engaging with lawmakers and government agencies on behalf of the Department.

Responses are due by 12/26/2024, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

OpenGov Link:

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - Consolidated Rent-a-Car Facility Development and Lease Agreement

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is issuing this RFQ to identify potential business partners for a newly constructed consolidated rent-a-car facility (ConRAC) at Sacramento International Airport (SMF) in Sacramento, CA. This RFQ will assist the Department in creating a short list of teams or entities to invite to submit a proposal for procurement of the full project.

The Department aims to partner with a private developer to develop the ConRAC as a fee-producing infrastructure facility at SMF. The specific scope, project delivery method, and financial structure of such partnership are not yet determined; a ground lease is contemplated as part of the final definitive development agreement, but the Department is interested in utilizing some form of progressive delivery approach and private financing.

As more fully described in the RFQ document, the Department expects the developer to perform certain pre-development services to advance planning for the project under the terms of an initial agreement with Sacramento County (County) which will inform negotiation with the Department of a definitive, long-term agreement to govern project financing and delivery.

Responses are due by March 7, 2025, 3:00 P.M. Pacific Time and must be submitted digitally through OpenGov.

Click here for more information.


General Airport Security Services At Sacramento International Airport Request For Proposals (RFP)

The County of Sacramento Department of Airports owns and operates Sacramento International Airport (SMF). The Department is issuing this Request for Proposals to solicit proposals from prospective contractors to provide general airport security services, including airport employee screening and inspection, in accordance with the specifications, terms, and conditions set forth in this RFP.

As of this writing, proposed directives of the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) would require screening of badged SMF workers who use access points from the public areas in the terminal buildings into restricted SMF areas by September 25, 2024. There are approximately 800 people per day entering one or more times through such egress and ingress points. This directive would require the Department to conduct, at a minimum, daily random employee screening at two (2) or more of these egress and ingress points on a potential 24/7 schedule, as and where required by TSA. It is the goal of the County that the selected contractor commence the services described in this RFP as soon as practicable following execution of an agreement between the selected contractor and the County to meet applicable TSA timelines.

Responses are due by October 7, 2024, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Time.

Click here for more information.

SMF Taxicab Services (RFP)

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invited qualified taxicab operators to submit proposals to provide and manage on-demand taxicab services at Sacramento International Airport.

Proposals were due September 6, 2024.

The panel recommendation for SCDA 2024 Taxicab Services Request for Proposals (RFP) at Sacramento International Airport is Sacramento Independent Taxi Owners Association (SITOA). The Board of Supervisors hearing, where the final award decision will be made, is on December 10, 2024. The proposed awardee along with the board materials will be posted on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors agenda site on December 4, 2024.

Please click here for more information.

Sacramento Mather Airport Tower Rehabilitation for Radio Replacement, Interior Improvements and Window Replacement

The project consists of the following items:
1. New replacement Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) radios (transmitters and receivers for air traffic communications). These would be the primary and back up radios, and installed on equipment racks on the seventh floor of the tower;
2. New replacement radio antennas and lighting protections installed at the roof level to support new radios;
3. New carpet with static electricity dissipation function at the interior top floor of the tower control cab level;
4. Replacement interior ceiling and associated lighting of the tower control cab level;
5. Replacement aluminum windows on the four exterior vertical walls below the tower control cab level.
All work will be performed inside the existing tower facility.
Request for Qualifications & Experience on - call Engineering Consultant Services

Please click here for more information.

Request for Qualifications & Experience on - call Engineering Consultant Services

The Department is soliciting Statements of Qualifications and Experience (SOQ&E) from qualified firms (Consultant(s) to provide a wide variety of engineering services for the Department, which services shall be delivered through and coordinated by the Department’s Design and Development Section.

The selected Consultant will each be awarded a contract under this RFQ&E. Selected Consultant(s) will be expected to enter into contracts for professional airport-related engineering services (Agreement) with a maximum total payment not to exceed $5,000,000. Each proposed Agreement will be for an initial four-year (4) term, with one (1) additional two-year extension option.

The Consultant shall provide project-specific proposals when requested by the Department and perform the proposed services on an “on-call” basis. Project-specific services shall focus on producing plans, specifications, design calculations, reports, memorandums, and technical documents for review and approval by Department staff, as well as field work at any of the Department’s properties (both secure and non-secure areas). Some of the assigned work may be funded under the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program (AIP).

Please click here for more information.

SMF Partner Balfour Beatty Solicitations

For information on opportunities with Balfour Beatty please visit HERE. Or Contact Jorge Vargas HERE.


Request for Statements of Interest (RSI) for Sublease at Executive Airport

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting Statements of Interest from companies (Proposers) interested in leasing approximately 21,913 square feet of office, shop, apron, and paved parking space at Building 10333, also known as 6220 24th Street, Sacramento, CA 95822, for use in support of commercial aeronautical activities at Executive Airport.

Please click here for more information.


Sacramento International Airport Artwork Request for Proposals and Experience

Inviting artists and artist teams residing in the United States to submit qualifications for four major public art projects at SMF.

Project Timeline

RFQ&E Issuance April 5, 2024
SOQ&E Submission Deadline May 7, 2024, 4:00 pm
First Panel Review Meeting – Selection of Finalists May 2024
Finalist Orientation Meetings June 2024
Second Panel Review Meeting – Interview Finalists August 2024
Artist Selected and Awarded Contract August 2024
Contract Agreement Executed September 2024
Artwork Fabrication: Pedestrian Walkway September 2024 – November 2025
Artwork Installation: Pedestrian Walkway Prior to November 8, 2025
Artwork Fabrication: Parking Garage September 2024 – Winter 2026
Artwork Installation: Parking Garage Winter 2026

Please click here for more information.


Request for Proposals - Community Workforce and Training Agreement Administrator Services at Sacramento International Airport

The County of Sacramento (County) Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms, organizations, and service providers to provide administrator services for a Community Workforce and Training Agreement (CWTA) in conjunction with the construction of six large-scale capital projects comprising the County’s “SMForward” projects at Sacramento International Airport (SMF).  The County anticipates awarding one agreement under this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Question Submission Deadline: April 12, 2024, 3:00pm
Addendum Issued (if necessary): April 19, 2024, 11:30pm
Submission Deadline: April 26, 2024, 2:00pm

Please click here for more information.

To register for access to click here




Request for Qualifications and Experience (RFQ&E) for Construction Management Inspection Services

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invites qualified firms to submit Statement of Qualification and Experience from qualified Construction Management and Inspection Services, at Sacramento International Airport, to assist in the delivery of a large program of capital projects known as SMForward.

A mandatory pre-proposal conference will take place on January 30, 2024.

Proposals are due February 16, 2024.

Please click here for more information.

To register for access to click here. 

Lease of Suite A in Building 4580

SCDA is soliciting interest from companies interested in leasing approximately 1,532 square feet of office space identified as Suite A in Building 4580, also known as 10510 Superfortress Ave, Mather, CA 95655, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities at Mather Airport.

Responses are due by February 5, 2025, 2 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.


Lease of Suite D in Building 4580

SCDA is soliciting interest from companies interested in leasing approximately 2,035 square feet of office space identified as Suite D in Building 4580, also known as 10510 Superfortress Ave, Mather, CA 95655, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities at Mather Airport.

Responses are due by February 5, 2025, 2 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.


SMF Food and Beverage 2023 Request for Proposals (RFP)

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invites qualified food and beverage operators to submit proposals for high-quality services at SMF. The goal is to create a program that reflects the region’s identity as “America’sFarm-to-Fork Capital”, meeting customer needs and preferences at different price points, exceeding their expectations by surprising and delighting them with high-quality food and services, offering a variety of choices and options, making them feel valued and appreciated, and resulting in an overall enhanced Airport experience.


Please click here for more information.


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Comprehensive Building Exterior Maintenance Services

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invites qualified firms to submit proposals for Comprehensive Building Exterior Maintenance Services including window washing and power washing of sidewalks and building exteriors.

A mandatory pre-proposal conference will take place on February 15, 2024.

Proposals are due March 20, 2024.

Please click here for more information.

Addendum #1


Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Parking Guidance System (PGS) at SMF

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invites qualified firms to submit proposals for a Parking Guidance System at Sacramento International Airport, including the procurement of hardware, installation, and maintenance.

A mandatory pre-proposal conference will take place on January 22, 2024.

Proposals are due February 29, 2024.

Please click here for more information.

Addendum #1

     Attachment 6 to Addendum #1

Price Proposal Form (Updated 01/30/2024)


Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS) at SMF

Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) invites qualified firms to submit proposals for the replacement of the existing PARCS at Sacramento International Airport, including the phase-out of the existing system, procurement of new hardware, installation, and operation and maintenance of the new system.

A mandatory pre-proposal conference will take place on January 4, 2024.

Proposals are due February 6, 2024 at 2 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.

Addendum #1

Addendum #2

Addendum #3

Proposal Excel Files


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Custodial Services

SCDA is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide custodial services for Sacramento International Airport and potentially other SCDA airports. The ideal candidate will have experience providing custodial services to other large airports or high-traffic public facilities like shopping malls.

Please click here to download the RFP.

Addendum #1


Request For Qualifications Terminal B Parking Garage Project 

SCDA is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified Design-Build Entities to provide design-build services to construct the New Terminal B Parking Garage.  

Please click here for more information.

Terminal B Parking Garage Project Industry Day Presentation PDF


Planning Technical Advisory Services

SCDA is soliciting Statements of Qualifications and Experience (SOQ&E) from qualified planning consulting firms to provide a wide variety of planning-related services for the Department, to be administered by the Department’s Planning and Environmental Section.

Responses are due by October 23rd, 2023, 3 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.


Lease of Suite C in Building 4580

SCDA is soliciting interest from companies interested in leasing approximately 2,450 square feet of office space identified as Suite C in Building 4580, also known as 10510 Superfortress Ave, Mather, CA 95655, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities at Mather Airport.

Responses are due by November 1, 2023, 2 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.


Request for Proposals (RFP) for Automated People Mover Guideway Structural Engineering Inspection Services

SCDA is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide structural engineering inspection services for the Automated People Mover train at Sacramento International Airport (SMF). The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience in providing these services and will have the ability to respond to SMF within one hour for emergency inspection needs.

Please click here to download the RFP.

Addendum #1


Lease of Building 7033

SCDA is soliciting interest from companies interested in leasing approximately 12,040 square feet of warehouse space and up to 40,981 square feet of additional ground space identified as Building 7033, also known as 10035 Missile Way, Mather, CA 95655, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities as Mather Airport.

Responses are due by September 28, 2023, 2 PM Pacific Time.

Please click here for more information.


Sublease of Suite 1 in Building 10324

SCDA is soliciting Statements of Interest from companies (Proposers) interested in leasing approximately 1,561 square feet of office space in Building 10324, also known as 6107 Freeport Boulevard, Suite 1, Sacramento, CA 95822, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities at Executive Airport.

Responses are due by August 31, 2023, 2 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

Please click here for more information.


Digital Transformation Consulting Services

The County of Sacramento is soliciting Statements Of Qualifications And Experience (SOQ&E) from qualified digital transformation consulting firms to provide Digital Transformation Consulting Services for Sacramento County Department of Airports to assist in integrating digital technology into multiple aspects of Sacramento International Airport operations. The Department invites all qualified Contractors interested in providing these services to submit a SOQ&E in compliance with the requirements of this Request for Qualifications and Experience document.

Responses are due by Friday, August 25, 2023, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

Please click here for more information.

Addendum #1
Addendum #2


Request For Qualifications Construction Manager at Risk Services Sacramento International Airport Pedestrian Walkway from Terminal to Concourse B

The County of Sacramento Department of Airports is seeking a qualified firm, partnership, corporation, association, persons, or professional organizations as construction manager at-risk (“CMAR” or “Firm”) to perform pre-construction and construction services for the Sacramento International Airport Pedestrian Walkway from Terminal to Concourse B.

Responses are due by April 27, 2023, 11:59 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

Please click here for more information.

Pedestrian Walkway CMAR Industry Day Presentation (1.6MB .PDF)


Mather Airport Building 4580 Suite D Leasing Opportunity

The Sacramento County Department of Airports is soliciting Statements of Interest from companies interested in leasing Suite D in Building 4580, also known as 10510 Superfortress Avenue, Mather, CA 95655, for use in support of commercial aeronautical or non-aeronautical activities at Mather Airport.

Please click here for more information.


Executive Program Management Consulting Services Request For Qualifications & Experience (RFQ&E)

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting statements of qualifications and experience from qualified executive program management consulting firms to provide Executive Program Management Consulting Services for the Department to assist in the delivery of a large program of capital projects known as SMForward at Sacramento International Airport.

Responses are due by March 20, 2023, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

Please click here for more information.


Automated Teller Machine Concession Agreement

The County of Sacramento (County) Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from interested parties to provide and manage an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) concession in the following locations: Sacramento International Airport (SMF) Terminal A, Terminal B, Concourse B, and Rental Car Facility; Sacramento Executive Airport terminal building.

Please click here for more information.

Responses are due by February 17, 2023, 10:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight time.


Americans With Disabilities Act Self-Assessment And Transition Plan Services Request For Proposals (RFP)

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is seeking to retain an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Contractor with extensive experience in Americans with Disabilities Act Title II compliance, to conduct an department-wide ADA Self-Assessment and Transition Plan (SATP) of Department services, programs, and facilities, including access to the public right-of-way, public transportation vehicles, wayfinding systems, websites, and information and communication technology. This entire effort will be in accordance with all ADA related titles and regulations, including Section of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, California Building Code, the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and any other relevant state and local codes or standards that may be more stringent than the ADA guidelines.

Please click here for more information.

Responses are due by January 3, 2023, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.


On-Call Architectural Consulting Services Request For Qualifications And Experience (RFQ&E)

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) requires an Agreement and is soliciting Statements of Qualifications and Experience (SOQ&E) from qualified architectural consulting firms (Contractor(s)) to provide airfield civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, security electronics, environmental, traffic, geotechnical design and construction services for individual agreements for various future design contracts at airports within the County Airport System.

Please click here for more information.

Responses are due by January 5, 2023, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.


Request For Qualifications And Experience (RFQ&E) Architectural And Engineering Consulting Services For Terminal B To Concourse B Pedestrian Walkway And Concourse And Terminal Expansions

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) desires to obtain the services of Architectural and Engineering Designer of Record firms for architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, security electronics, environmental, geotechnical design and construction monitoring services for individual projects for various future design agreements in Airports.

For more information, click here. 

Responses are due by December 20, 2022, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.


Request For Proposals (RFP) Passenger Boarding Bridge Operation, Inspection And Maintenance Services

The Sacramento County Department of Airports (Department) is soliciting proposals from contractors to provide operation and maintenance services for all Passenger Boarding Bridges (PBB) at SMF.

A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held on August 17, 2022, and attendance confirmation for the conference will be accepted through August 11, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Responses are due by October 14, 2022, 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight time.

For more information, click here