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Fire Chief’s Message:

Welcome to the home of Sacramento County Airport Fire! We are a Professional All-Hazard Advanced Life Support Fire Department that handles all emergency calls including aircraft emergencies, fires, medical aids, vehicle accidents, and other misc. incidents at Sacramento International Airport (SMF) Station 98 and aircraft emergencies at Mather Field (MHR) Station 97 in Rancho Cordova. We have a staff of 33 that includes Fire Chief, Battalion Chief x4, Captain x10, Engineer x12, and Firefighter x6. We serve over 13 million travelers per year as well as over 500 county employees, airline employees, and other individuals that work at the airport on a daily basis. Please feel to reach out with any questions or comments at we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time to check out our site!

Sacramento County Airport Fire

Vision Statement

To become the all-hazard industry leader in California Airport Firefighting through organizational development, training, and service delivery.

Mission Statement

The mission of Sacramento County Airport Fire is to provide the highest possible level of emergency response to the patrons, tenants, and employees of the Sacramento County International Airport and Mather Field, and their surrounding areas.

Core Values

Integrity: We will do what we say, we will do the right thing, every time, especially when no one is watching. We will hold each other accountable, we will own our mistakes, and whenever possible, try to learn from them.

Professionalism: We will at all time display the conduct and behavior that is expected of members of our profession. We will continuously strive for excellence as we seek to become the industry leaders in public safety on both the local and national fronts.

Respect: We will also strive to treat our customers, our peers, and other airport stakeholders the way they wish to be treated. We will constantly look out for the well-being of the public and each other.

Service: We will do whatever it takes to carry out our mission and ensure the safe welfare of the public.

Interested in joining Sacramento County Airport Fire?


Or learn about our Job Descriptions & Firefighter Candidate Testing Center


Below is a timeline of the history of how Sacramento County Airport Fire began and what it is today. As the Airport continues to grow and move forward Airport Fire will continue to grow along with it. We are constantly continuing to train and learn as the Airport industry grows and changes now and in the future. We look forward to what the future holds for Airport Fire and are eager to meet the challenges that lay ahead.


1968 1994 2000 2003
Airport Opened. Dedicated 2 person ARFF Crew. February: MHR ARFF Station 97 opened 24/7 after Emery DC 8 Crash just off MHR airfield. ARFF Personnel no longer Airport Operations/Fueling.
ARFF/Airport Operations/Fueling. Fire Personnel Staffed-BC, Type 1 Engine, 2 ARF Trucks SMF.
2005 2014 2017 2022
March: Personnel moved to 24 hour shifts. May: Personnel moved to 48 hour shifts. ARFF Division Rebrand to Sacramento County Airport Fire. July: New Fire Station 98 Opened at 7203 Earhart Drive.


  • Chief Bromberg – 1975-1988
  • Chief Crump – 1988-2002
  • Chief McCasland – 2002-2010
  • Chief Metzinger – 2012-2017
  • Chief Carnes – 2017-2021
  • Chief Prete – 2021 to Present

Fire Station Information

Apparatus Incident Call Volume
  • Type 1 Engine – 2019 Rosenbauer Commander
    (Seasonal Staffed with 3 or 4 Personnel)
  • Type 3 Engine – 2021 Rosenbauer 4x4
    (Seasonal Staffed with 3 or 4 Personnel)
  • ARFF Tucks x 3 – 2023 Rosenbauer Panther 6x6, 2019 Rosenbauer Panther 6x6, Rosenbauer 2015 panther 4x4
    (2 Trucks Staffed with 3 Personnel)
  • Battalion Chief SUV – 2013 Tahoe
  • ARFF Truck x 2 – 2019 Panther 6x6, 2005 E-One 8x8
    (1 Truck Staffed with 2 Personnel)
  • 2024 - 1374
  • 2023 - 1296
  • 2022 – 1093
  • 2021 – 868 (COVID)
  • 2020 – 550 (COVID)
  • 2019 - 1083

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