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Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 4:00 AM - For Immediate Release

July 2018 Set All-Time Record for Monthly Traffic at Sacramento Intl Airport

SACRAMENTO – Sacramento International Airport recorded 1.1 million passengers in July 2018, making it the busiest month in airport history. The airport expects to serve one million passengers each month through the end of 2018 and is on track to serve an estimated 12 million passengers in 2018, another record-breaking milestone.

Passenger traffic at Sacramento International Airport has shown a robust increase of 11.8 percent in July 2018 over the same time period in July 2017.

The busiest month on record previously was July 2007, when the airport served 1.013 million passengers.

The increase stems from Sacramento regionally-generated passenger response to the addition of several destinations and carriers at Sacramento International Airport, including:

  • New nonstop service to Austin, St. Louis, Orlando, New Orleans*, and Cabo San Lucas on Southwest. (*New Orleans service was temporarily suspended in August but returns on a daily basis in November)
  • The return of ultra-low cost carrier Frontier Airlines with service to Las Vegas and Denver
  • The return of international carrier Air Canada with nonstop service to Vancouver

 “We are encouraged by this growth and by our customer’s response, making Sacramento International Airport an attractive airport for continued growth,” said Mark Haneke, manager of air service development and marketing for the Sacramento County Department of Airports.

Passenger traffic reports can be found here:

The Sacramento County Department of Airports is responsible for planning, developing, operating and maintaining the county’s four airports: Sacramento International Airport, Executive Airport, Mather Airport and Franklin Field. Sacramento International Airport offers more than 155 daily nonstop flights on 12 domestic and international carriers to 36 destinations. The regional economic impact of the Sacramento County Department of Airports is more than $4 billion annually. For more information, visit