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Planning & Design

Learn more about our plans for the future of the County Airport System.

The Sacramento County Airport System Planning and Design division is responsible for planning, design and construction activities for the four airports in the system: SMF, SAC, MHR and F72. Planning and Design is comprised of three sections:

Planning and Environment

The Sacramento County Airport Division Planning and Environment section is responsible for: master plans, environmental review and compliance, noise, wildlife management, hazardous materials, recycling, sustainability, federal grants and airport land acquisition programs.

What is a master plan?

An airport master plan is a plan for development over the course of the next 20 years. Airport master plans include the following elements:

  • A vision set forth by the airport owner and interested parties;
  • An inventory of existing facilities, activity, and other areas of regional interest;
  • Forecasts of airport activity including projected levels of passengers, aircraft operations;
  • Demand/Capacity and Facility Requirements for airfield, terminal, roadway, parking, general aviation, cargo, other aviation-related uses, and non-aviation-related uses;
  • Development and evaluation of alternatives that could provide the level of facilities needed to meet the projected demand;
  • A recommended development plan based on the most favorable development option;
  • An environmental overview identifying environmental issues and constraints that must be taken into consideration;
  • A capital improvement program that projects capital costs and potential funding resources for implementation of the recommended airport improvements; and
  • A public involvement program that allows interested parties an opportunity to express their concerns and obtain information for the master plan update process and status.
Contract Opportunities

Design and Development

The Sacramento County Airport System Design and Development section is responsible for: engineering, design, project management, job-order contracting, and CAD/mapping.

Contract Opportunities

Construction Management

The Sacramento County Airport System Construction Management section is responsible for: project delivery, inspection and compliance.

Projects, Plans and Studies


On This Page

Draft Environmental Assessment for WattEV Project

This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to identify and evaluate potential environmental effects related to the proposed construction and operation of the WattEV Commercial Charging Center (Proposed Project) at Sacramento International Airport (SMF or Airport). The Proposed Project would develop a publicly accessible Electric Vehicle (EV) charging facility for shippers and transporters as well as public transportation and passenger vehicles. This Proposed Project also includes supporting facilities that would be built on a parcel of land located south of, and adjacent to, I-5 on the south side of the Airport.

Draft EA WattEV Downloads
Public Review

Beginning on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the Draft EA will be available for public review during regular business hours through Friday, February 21, 2025, at the following locations:

Federal Aviation Administration
Western-Pacific Region, Office of Airports
777 S. Aviation Boulevard, Suite 150
El Segundo, CA 90245
Federal Aviation Administration
San Francisco Airports District Office
2999 Oak Road, Suite 200
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Sacramento County Department of Airports 6705 Lindbergh Drive
Sacramento, CA 95837

Please contact Zach Frese at (916) 874-0803 or to schedule an appointment to review the hard copy at the Airport.
Public Library North Natomas Library
4660 Via Ingoglia St.
Sacramento, CA 95835

Open Tues-Sat, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Mondays
Public Comments

The public may submit written comments during the comment period. Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, February 21, 2025. Please ensure adequate time for mailing. The purpose of the public comment period is to receive comments on the Draft EA. Comments should be as specific as possible and should be organized so that they are meaningful and make the FAA clearly aware of the commenter’s views, interests, and concerns related to the Proposed Project.

Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, be advised that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask the FAA in your comment to withhold from public review your personal identifying information, the FAA cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.

Comments received on the Draft EA and the responses to those comments will be disclosed in the Final EA.

How to submit a comment on the Draft EA
  1. Comments may be submitted in writing through the U.S. mail
  2. Hand written comments may be submitted via U.S. Mail to:

    Sacramento County Department of Airports
    ATTN: Zach Frese – Airport Environmental Planner
    6900 Airport Blvd.
    Sacramento, CA 95837

    Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. PST on Friday, February 21, 2025, to be considered for this Draft EA.

Draft Environmental Assessment for Concourse B Expansion Project

This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to identify and evaluate potential environmental effects related to the proposed construction and operation of the Concourse B Expansion Project (Proposed Project) at Sacramento International Airport (SMF or Airport). The Sacramento County Department of Airports (SCDA) proposes to expand Concourse B to meet the existing and future needs of the Sacramento region and to ensure SMF provides facilities sized to efficiently accommodate the market-based passenger demand at industry-standard levels of service.

Draft EA Concourse B Expansion Downloads
Public Comments

The public is invited to review the Draft EA and submit comments. A hard copy of the Draft EA can be viewed in person at SCDA offices during regular business hours. Please call Zach Frese, Environmental Planner, at (916) 874-0803 or email to schedule an appointment to review the hard copy in person at 6705 Lindbergh Drive, Sacramento, CA 95837. Additionally, the North Natomas Library will have a hard copy of the Draft EA for review from December 20, 2024, through January 29, 2025, at 4660 Via Ingoglia Street, Sacramento, CA 95835.

How to submit a comment on the Draft EA
  1. Comments may be submitted in writing by email, through the U.S. mail, or during the public open house.
  2. Emailed comments on the Draft EA may be sent to Zach Frese, Environmental Planner, at
  3. Handwritten comments may be submitted via U.S. Mail at:

    Sacramento County Dept. of Airports
    ATTN: Zach Frese
    6705 Lindbergh Drive
    Sacramento, CA 95837

    Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. PST on Tuesday, January 29, 2025, to be considered for this Draft EA.
Public Open House

A Public Open House for the Draft EA will be held at the following place and time:

Open House Location:

North Natomas Community Center
2631 New Market Drive
Sacramento, CA 95835

Open House Date/Time:

Tuesday, January 22, 2025, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

SCDA staff and the EA consultant will be available at the Public Open House to provide information about the Proposed Project and the contents of the Draft EA.

2020 Master Plan Chapters


Executive Airport layout Plan


Mather Airport


Mather 2013 Revised Draft Master Plan
